When I'm working which, sadly I'm not at the moment, I 'visit' a library every day so I do my borrowing then. When I'm not working in a library I don't have a schedule to follow, just use the library when the need arises. I love to visit libraries when I'm on holidays but I have issues with my local library so I feel a bit hypocritical going in there. Rarely, however, does it fail to annoy me so I usually feel justified about my criticisms upon leaving.
I’ve worked in public libraries and this one just doesn’t stack up. I always seem to find the scary librarians, the officious ones, who condescend until I start library-speak where-upon they modify their approach. This annoys me even more because a librarian’s job is to facilitate not alienate. we shouldn't be part of an exclusive club but rather we should be full of the joy of reading and wanting to share. Can’t tell you the amount of people who’ve told me they’ll never go to a library again because the librarian made them feel stupid, it makes me so sad. Libraries should be a place of wonders not put downs.