We read...

To know we are not alone. ~C.S. Lewis~

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday too far away

Musing Mondays (BIG)

Musing Monday is hosted by Becca of Just One More Page. Pop over and read lots of interesting comments & post your own.

This week not before-bedtime-Becca’s post is about reading time…

Do you have a set reading time (before bed, perhaps)? Do you read more at night or during the day? Is there a day of the week, perhaps, that you set aside to catch up on reading?

When I was studying my reading day was Sunday. Up early-ish, off to Church, family lunch and then I’d high-tail it up to my bedroom sanctuary for unadulterated reading. It is a practice I’ve continued.

My family got so used to my departing with book (sometimes with unseemly haste) that they don’t seem to mind me disappearing on Sunday afternoon – so long as I resurface in time to cook the Sunday roast for our evening meal – Sunday dinner is sacrosanct.

I don’t have a lot of time at my disposal in the daytime for luxurious reading so I’m inclined to read anywhere, anytime. I’m never without a book…picking up the kids, waiting for the kids, watching the kids play sport (not popular if caught in the act), waiting in line, brushing my teeth, drying my hair, well you get the picture.

And then there’s bedtime, can’t go to sleep without reading. I do sometimes go to bed early to read although that usually means I’m still reading in the wee small hours. At other times I can only mange a couple of lines.

what about you when do you read?


Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

I read everywhere. I have a book at all times. here is mine

Rebecca Johnson said...

Hey you got in first this morning! Why do I have the feeling you were still up when it posted... :)

I'm a book-carrier too, just lucky not to have kids busting me during sport days.

gautami tripathy said...

I can read any time, any place, any where!

Mondays: Start of another week

Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com said...

Hi, Wendy!

Nice to meet you. :D

Here's mine.


Anonymous said...

Morning is my most precious reading time. I usually read for two hours before going to work.

Anonymous said...

Like you, I have to read before bed! I usually fall asleep with a book in my hand, but I can typically revive myself enough to turn off my reading lamp! :) I try to read wherever I can, too, and I never leave home without a book in my purse. You never know where the day will take you -- and how many chapters you'll be able to unexpectedly squeeze in! :)

Nise' said...

Same here, there is always a book attached to me!