We read...

To know we are not alone. ~C.S. Lewis~

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

yes they are talking about eating each other!

hosted by MizB @ Should be Reading.
* Grab your current read & let it fall open.
* Share 2 “teaser” sentences, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
* Share the title of the book… remember...
**************************avoid spoilers please****************************
Please leave a link to your Teaser in my comments or pop on over to Should Be Reading and get tantalising glimpses of other reads.

This Teaser is from my current read – Time Traveller’s Wife Audrey Niffenegger (which I am totally enjoying!) p132

‘what about the Categorical Imperative?’ asks Henry.
‘Say what?'
‘You know the Golden Rule. Don’t eat other people unless you are prepared to be eaten.’


Harvee44 said...

Is it Tuesday already? Haven't mine up as yet. But please visit anyway :)

wendy elizabeth said...

hah bird dog no you haven't misse a day! I'll be away tomorrow & I just can't work out how to schedule a post, doh!

Nise' said...

Loved this book.

When you have your new post box up look for post options (lower left side, click on that and you can schedule a post. Hope that helps.

Rebecca Johnson said...

I am so glad you're enjoying this book. I thought you'd like it for the structure if nothing else. YAY!

See you tomorrow, I'm off to collect decorations :)