We read...

To know we are not alone. ~C.S. Lewis~

Sunday, April 5, 2009

how excitment

I have a follower! My first! Welcome Alaine...I'm sorry I haven't mentioned you earlier, it appears you've been a follower since February but because I'm so new to blogging I didn't think to scroll down on my own blog. I'm adding a blogaversary counter button tonight so I had to find out when I started blogging and as I scrolled down there you were...how very excitement.

Also because I'm new (I wonder how long I can use this excuse) I can't work out how to catch you at you blog so maybe you or someone else can help me do that (Becca this means you!) so that I can come on over and say high. I see you're into scrapbooking so that is a whole other conversation we can have!

Edit: This is probably not the cool thing to do sorry if I've embarrassed you Alaine but I'm still easily excited by the whole blogging-thing

1 comment:

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Your blog is very new, and I agree blogging is lots of fun. I've only been at it 10 months, but I love it.