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This week's question, courtesy of MizB ...
Coming towards the end of April, we’re a third of the way through the way through the year. What’s the favourite book you’ve read so far in 2009? What about your least favourite?
I must begin by saying it’s a bit confronting to be told we’re a 1/3 of the way through the year don’t you think? How shocking! But to the question ...well we read To Kill a Mockingbird for bookclub this year (which is my all time favourite-get-caught-on-a-desert-island-read) so this is an easy question to answer. I love this book could read it and re-read it ad infinitum. I love it for its lessons (I’m a lefty - earning my social justice stance from TKAM), for the moments that make me cry every single time I read them ('Stand up your Father is passing') and for some parenting tips – 1) read to your kids and 2) teach them ‘it’s not time to worry yet.’
My least favourite read would easily be Friday Night Knitting Club. I was disappointed by this book because it didn’t live up to my expectations. I was looking for a gradual introduction of individual the characters and a gentle meshing of them into a cohesive group where their individual talents would serve the greater good. I was looking for that wonderful thing where you’ve experienced something in your life (my BookFreaks group is like this) and then you read about it in a book and you realise you’re not the only one who’s felt that way...well it just didn’t eventuate. The main character spends an overabundance of time wallowing in the mire of self-pity which I found immensely off-putting. And then...
She dies!
She dies!
I read the first ¾ of the book hoping for it to get better and then skimmed the last 1/4 . the group of characters was just confusing, never rose to the class of ensemble and I just could not like it – sorry whoever picked it for BookFreaks.
What this Musing has highlighted for me is that I still don’t have a list of what I read! That’s why I started this blog in the first place (must speak to the guru about this).
i had to go back and look at all my old reviews for the year to remember what I had even liked...I don't need a list, I need a better memory!
You just started! Don't be so hard on yourself. I've heard from many people that book os a stink-a-roo.
You hated Friday Night Knitting Club? Really? Are you sure?
Guru Says: As for tracking what you've read. The best way to do so would be to REVIEW (see previous comment), but other than that, you could join reading challenges, or do the simplest (and my favourite) list them. If you see on my blog, I have on the sidebar my list for 2007, 2008 and 2009. It's up to you though, experiment till you find what works.
To Kill a Mockingbird is a timeless classics.
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