This week Buried-beneath-Books-Becca asks:
How many books (roughly) are in your tbr pile? Is this in increasing number or does it stay stable? Do you ever experience tbr anxiety in the face of this pile.
Actually apparently I asked this question – I can’t remember asking it but it does sound like me because I do suffer from TBRA (To Be Read Anxiety). My TBR is NOT stable, is definately increasing (can you sense the panic?). Once upon a time I could manage my TBR by stacking everything I had ready to read on my bedside table. Now I have a bedside book-shelf which is chokers and I have to admit it does fret me a bit when I look at it for too long, so I am not counting how any books are on it to answer this question!.
But I have a cunning plan - it's as cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University (HA! I love Blackadder!). You might have noticed I have two current reads on my side-bar. One is for Book Club (a must-read for each month) and the other is from the TBR shelf. And further to that the one from the TBR shelf will be one that has been given to me by a friend as a you-must-read-this book.
And further to that even, I’m not sticking with the ones I don’t like just because they’ve been recommended to me. As my friend Renae, says life’s too short to be forcing yourself to read something you’re not enjoying and giving up on a book is a luxury I can afford now that uni is finished. I ploughed through some hideous stuff all in the name of good grades but, to be fair, I did usually come to see the virtue of these books after being led through them by the nose, as it were, by my very clever teachers.
Just last weekend a friend asked if I still had the book she loaned me (and was I enjoying it?). I had to confess I’d not even looked at it but I have moved it to the top of the pile. The danger of this cunning plan is that I loose control of my reading, allowing it to be dictated by kind and generous reading-devoted friends so I’m not going to be too rigid but it does help the TBRA to have a plan at all.
Has anyone seen that Two and a half Men episode where Alan has a meltdown in the bookshop? He’s talking about all the great books he hasn’t read and Charlie tells him you just need a system – put a book by the loo and every couple of weeks you knock off a classic...Alan dielivers this one line which sums up my TBRA...
There’s not enough bowel movements left...
What a crack-up such clever writing on that show...
**edit: I've just read the Musing Monday coments on Becca's blog and I agree Blogging has increased my TBR pile exponentially so ...I blame Becca...of course!
I blame each and evety book blogger, NY times book reviews, gaurdian book reviews and lot more!
My musings
Oh ye cunning one,
I am in awe of your marvelous plan, I may have to semi adopt it myself (one tbr-book a month).
When writing my post this morning I actually typed 'I blame Wendy...' (don't ask me why, I forget) then took it off cause I didn't want to be mean... Well I'm putting it back! It's not always my fault you know! ... okay, it probably is.
And, yes, I caught the comment about friends adding to your tbr pile. I'll try to restrain myself.
Whoops that was a long comment.
am I the only person not anxious about my huge TBR piles, but comforted? hours and hours of future pleasure and escape....
Hello, I tried to find your email address but couldn't, but I guess that's fine to use the first line from You're So Undead To Me...but it's not mine to give away anyway, if you know what I mean :)
I personally always blame my dog for everything.
I don't think I noticed this before so:
Congrats graduate! I know how pround, happy and relieved you feel. There is nothing like it :)
*snort* Yep, it's the book bloggers fault. You post has given me the giggles. Thankfully I wasn't drinking at the time or it would have been all over the keyboard. My post is finally up.
LOL. This was such a great and funny post. I love Two & a Half Men and cannot believe that I missed that episode. Plus you have a great recall of wonderful one liners from shows you've seen (double props to the Blackadder reference).
We should create a TBRA support group. Right now for example my TBRA Self is shouting, "Get off the bloody internet, you've got books to read!"
I remember that episode! I know my want to read list is every growing because of wonderful book bloggers.
About 45 in my pile. Hundreds on the list. I would probably experience reading block anxiety more than a TBR one.
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