We read...

To know we are not alone. ~C.S. Lewis~

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

who needs men? well me… but Freda stands on her own two feet!

hosted by MizB @ Should be Reading.
* Grab your current read & let it fall open.
* Share 2 “teaser” sentences, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
* Share the title of the book… remember...
avoid spoilers please
* leave a link to your Teaser in my comments or pop on over to Should Be Reading and get tantalising glimpses of other reads.

My teaser

Once when asked about her single status and if she had any regrets at never marrying, Freda simply shrugged. ‘After the war there were so few men around, I decided to leave them for the women who needed them’, she said.

Freda: a Biography of Freda Whitlam by Noelene Martin.


Caspette said...

Very pragmatic way of looking at things. I wonder if she ever regretted that decision or felt lonely?

My teaser is here. Have a great week.

Beth F said...

I love that teaser!!!

Rebecca Johnson said...

What a wonderful response to the question!

Harvee44 said...

A copout? Nice teaser.

Kaye said...

I like that teaser. Sounds like a strong woman who knew her own mind. Have a great week and happy reading. My teaser is here

Anonymous said...

Oh, that teaser is great!! Thanks for the smile :)

The Bumbles said...

Wonderful - and quite confident! Live life with no regrets.

Nise' said...

A great teaser! We have a wonderful lady at church who is in her 80', has never been married and says she never felt the need for a man.

Lisa said...

Men are fine, but that doesn't mean you have to have one underfoot all the time. :) A great teaser!

My teaser is here.

Teddyree said...

LOL interesting teaser. Happy reading.
Here's my Teaser

The Book Resort said...

Wendy, here's mine :